Veritas Resiliency Platform 3.0

You need to first create a S3 bucket in AWS and then upload your ova file to that bucket.

To upload the OVA file using command-line method

  1. Download and install the AWS Command Line Interface.

  2. Use the aws s3 mb command to create a new bucket. Bucket names must be unique and should be DNS compliant:

    		aws s3 mb s3://my-bucket --region my-region

    where, my-bucket is the name that you provide for your bucket and my-region is the region that you provide.

    If you do not use the region option of the command, the bucket is created in the region specified in your configuration file.

  3. Upload the OVA file by running the following command:

    		aws s3 cp my-ova_file s3://my-bucket/my-ova-key

    Where, my-ova_file is the path and name of your local ova file, my-bucket is the name of your bucket on S3 storage and my-ova-key is the key or alias name for the ova file in your bucket.

See Deploying the virtual appliances in AWS

Veritas Resiliency Platform 3.0

You need to first create a S3 bucket in AWS and then upload your ova file to that bucket.

To upload the OVA file using command-line method

  1. Download and install the AWS Command Line Interface.

  2. Use the aws s3 mb command to create a new bucket. Bucket names must be unique and should be DNS compliant:

    		aws s3 mb s3://my-bucket --region my-region

    where, my-bucket is the name that you provide for your bucket and my-region is the region that you provide.

    If you do not use the region option of the command, the bucket is created in the region specified in your configuration file.

  3. Upload the OVA file by running the following command:

    		aws s3 cp my-ova_file s3://my-bucket/my-ova-key

    Where, my-ova_file is the path and name of your local ova file, my-bucket is the name of your bucket on S3 storage and my-ova-key is the key or alias name for the ova file in your bucket.

See Deploying the virtual appliances in AWS