Veritas Resiliency Platform 2.1

Veritas Resiliency Platform provides a set of predefined personas with access to predefined jobs.

You can add custom personas by selecting from the predefined jobs.

For example, the predefined persona Resiliency Platform Admin includes the jobs for managing assets, managing security settings, and managing product settings. You could create an "Asset Manager" persona that includes only the managing assets job.

You cannot customize the Super admin persona, which has access to all jobs and all objects in the resiliency domain. You also cannot customize the Guest persona, which can view all information in the console.

To add custom personas

  1. Navigate


    Settings (menu bar)

    Under Product Settings, click User Management > Persona & Jobs > New Persona

  2. In the New Persona page, complete the following steps and submit:

    • Assign a name and description to the custom persona.

    • Select one or more jobs that you want to assign to the persona. The jobs are shown in categories depending on whether the scope is the entire resiliency domain or whether the scope can be customized to specific data centers or assets. Select the job from the appropriate category.

      For example, if you want to assign a permission related to managing any resiliency group in the resiliency domain, select Manage Resiliency Group under the category of For entire Resiliency Domain. But if you want to limit permissions to specific resiliency groups, select Manage Resiliency Group under the category For specific resiliency groups.

      See Predefined jobs that can be used for custom personas

  3. Verify that the correct persona name and associated jobs are listed.

    You can now assign this persona to users or user groups.

Veritas Resiliency Platform 2.1

Veritas Resiliency Platform provides a set of predefined personas with access to predefined jobs.

You can add custom personas by selecting from the predefined jobs.

For example, the predefined persona Resiliency Platform Admin includes the jobs for managing assets, managing security settings, and managing product settings. You could create an "Asset Manager" persona that includes only the managing assets job.

You cannot customize the Super admin persona, which has access to all jobs and all objects in the resiliency domain. You also cannot customize the Guest persona, which can view all information in the console.

To add custom personas

  1. Navigate


    Settings (menu bar)

    Under Product Settings, click User Management > Persona & Jobs > New Persona

  2. In the New Persona page, complete the following steps and submit:

    • Assign a name and description to the custom persona.

    • Select one or more jobs that you want to assign to the persona. The jobs are shown in categories depending on whether the scope is the entire resiliency domain or whether the scope can be customized to specific data centers or assets. Select the job from the appropriate category.

      For example, if you want to assign a permission related to managing any resiliency group in the resiliency domain, select Manage Resiliency Group under the category of For entire Resiliency Domain. But if you want to limit permissions to specific resiliency groups, select Manage Resiliency Group under the category For specific resiliency groups.

      See Predefined jobs that can be used for custom personas

  3. Verify that the correct persona name and associated jobs are listed.

    You can now assign this persona to users or user groups.